
Seizure Disorders:

For information on this the reader is referred to the review article of controlled studies done by the originator of this research, M. B. Sterman Ph.D. professor emeritus UCLA in: Sterman, M. B. (2000), Basic concepts and clinical findings in the treatment of seizure disorders with EEG operant conditioning. Clinical Electroencephalography, 31(1), 45-55. In this publication Sterman shows two summary tables. In the first table Sterman shows studies carried out between 1972 and 1980. In the second table there are studies between 1981 and 1996. These studies are all published in peer-reviewed journals including Archives of Neurology, Epilepsia, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Seizure, and Science. All the reports have controls applied. In the first table there are 12 reports. In the second table there are 6. The two tables combined have a total of 174 subjects with 142 subjects (82%) demonstrating clinical improvement and 66 % demonstrating EEG improvement. There is now some newer research coming from Dr. Wu Wenqing, Friendship Hospital & Capital Medical University of Beijing. Dr Wu has successfully used NFB training on more than 80 patients at the time of writing.

Other Disorders:

There are studies now emerging for Depression, Anxiety and Panic, Asperger’s, and Autism. Importantly, there is now considerable work being carried out on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and concussion. As noted above, for a list of publications reporting on NFB for different symptoms and disorders the reader should refer to Dr. Cory Hammond’s review of existing literature on

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