Technology for Neurofeedback


NeuroField is another type of Neurofeedback that will be included in the training, if it is deemed appropriate for your particular set of symptoms. It utilizes an ultra-low intensity, pulsed electromagnetic field (pEMF) to replenish energy and reduce stress in the brain and body. The premise behind this type of feedback is that the electromagnetic field relays to the brain the frequencies it should be functioning at, and then the brain automatically comes into synch with these frequencies. Over a number of training sessions, the brain will learn to operate in the appropriate frequencies on its own. NeuroField has been well documented *reference in scientific research as an effective intervention for Parkinson’s disease, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, attention deficit disorder, anxiety, conduct disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as many other generalized symptoms. In addition, follow-up with the subjects of the studies has suggested that the changes are long-term.


LENS involves measuring and recording electrical signals from the scalp, and using the frequencies of those signals to guide the speed of a feedback signal from a feedback assembly near you. The extremely weak electromagnetic pulses come from the EEG cables and will be neither visible nor feel able. The recorded EEG signals influence the electromagnetic feedback; and the feedback in turn, changes the quantity and frequency of the recorded brainwave signals. In contrast to other brainwave biofeedback procedures, LENS does not maintain that faster brain waves are better for some problems, or that slower brain waves are better for other problems. Rather, LENS supports the brainwaves, at rest, becoming quieter, and at work, more flexible in their functioning. The preliminary observations made with LENS have been encouraging enough for us to begin the serious study of potential adverse and beneficial effects. This form of neurofeedback employs an alternative, highly effective technique of restoring brain function: the Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS). Developed by Dr. Len Ochs in 1992, it has had extraordinary results using weak electromagnetic fields to stimulate brain-wave activity and restore brain flexibility and responsiveness. The treatment works across a broad spectrum of human activity–both on the basic functional level and in the more subtle areas of cognitive, affective, and spiritual processes that make us truly human. While the LENS treatment has had remarkable results with individuals who have experienced severe physical trauma to the head and brain, it is also seen as an important alternative to chemical approaches for such chronic behavioral disorders as anxiety, ADHD, monopolar and bi-polar depression, and childhood developmental disorders.


BrainAvatar uses the latest cutting edge technology and features. It provides the next generation of EEG and neurofeedback software. It combines all existing BrainMaster capabilities with new features incorporating quantitative EEG (QEEG), peripheral modalities, and integrating assessment with training in a seamless system. BrainMaster’s electroencephalographic system has a resolution of 5 millimeters, as opposed to a typical functional MRI’s resolution of 2 mm. It has a response time of 30 milliseconds, as opposed to a response of up to 10 seconds of MRI systems. The technology behind Brain-Avatar allows it to measure in real time actual brain electrical activity, whereas other imaging techniques offer only structural or metabolic images. In turn, the system “has significant new value for neurology, psychiatry, mental health assessment and treatment, consumer research, sports, art, peak performance and optimal functioning.” Currently, the system most often is used by psychologists to examine, assess and treat patients, said BrainMaster president Tom Collura.


Alpha-Stim begins at the electron level, allowing your cells to return to their natural functioning state. Alpha-Stim provides long lasting, cumulative relief and fast. Anxiety is often relieved with only one treatment but may require weeks. Alpha-Stim provides cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) for those suffering from anxiety, insomnia, and or depression.

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